Canjam Plumbing

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Wells and sump pumps

We are a plumbing company run by a master plumber who has been in the industry for over 13 years. Hard-working, always customer satisfaction, timely, professional, clean work, and cost-efficient.

Wells and sump pumps

Wells and sump pumps are important for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home’s plumbing system. We can install, repair, and maintain these systems to keep them functioning properly. Your sump pump water should discharge to a designated area, such as a dry well, a creek or pond, or even a neighborhood drain. Be careful not to set your drain point somewhere that water will return to your home. Ideally, keep the pup 10 to 20 feet away from the foundation of your home. Some cities have building codes that determine where your sump pump can drain,

Let us help your business to move forward.

    CanJam Plumbing is your 24-hour emergency plumber. Discounts are available when you sign up with our email services. For any plumbing problem you encounter, CanJam Plumbing has your solution. Call us today for your free quote. We’re here to help!