Canjam Plumbing

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Septic Systems

We are a plumbing company run by a master plumber who has been in the industry for over 13 years. Hard-working, always customer satisfaction, timely, professional, clean work, and cost-efficient.

Septic systems

We offer a range of services for residential septic systems, including installation, repairs, and maintenance. A septic tank is an underwater sedimentation tank used for wastewater treatment through the process of biological decomposition and drainage.   A septic tank makes use of natural processes & proven technology to treat wastewater from household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry.  A septic tank system has a relatively simple design. It is an underground watertight container (mostly rectangular or round) made of fibreglass, plastic, or concrete. 

Let us help your business to move forward.

    CanJam Plumbing is your 24-hour emergency plumber. Discounts are available when you sign up with our email services. For any plumbing problem you encounter, CanJam Plumbing has your solution. Call us today for your free quote. We’re here to help!